Religious Education (RE)
At Harris Primary Academy East Dulwich, our families, staff and pupils are linked with many parts of the world and faith groups. We aim to celebrate this diversity and offer a welcoming and inclusive environment for all our pupils. We believe that Religious Education (RE) provides an opportunity to celebrate and foster awareness of these differences at the academy and in the wider world. We aim to create a culture of understanding and tolerance and create a safe space where children feel comfortable to express their beliefs to others.
The academy uses the Southwark agreed syllabus for religious education, which involves learning about different religions, beliefs, values and traditions. We address fundamental questions in life, for example, the meaning of life and the existence of spirit. The syllabus is broadly Christian, however children will develop a sound knowledge of the other major world faiths during their time at Harris Primary Academy East Dulwich. In our R.E. lessons children will have the opportunity to reflect on what it means to have a faith and to develop their own spiritual knowledge and understanding. We help children to learn from religions as well as about religions.
As we are living in an increasingly diverse country and we celebrate diversity at Harris Primary East Dulwich and we hope that all children will fully embrace Religious Education lessons. At each Key Stage we aim to give our students a real life understanding of the religions we are studying and where possible we try to visit places of worship and invite visitors to the academy belonging to the religions being studied.
Religious Education lessons are also supported by our weekly assemblies. We have an annual assembly schedule and all our parents/carers are informed about curriculum coverage, including R.E. at the beginning of each half term.
Any parent or carer wishing to discuss RE or collective worship, please make an appointment or write to the Principal via the main academy office.