Friends of Harris Primary East Dulwich (FoHPED)
The Friends of Harris Primary East Dulwich (FoHPED for short) was set up in the school's inaugural year, 2014, by the first cohort of reception parents.
The primary aim is to raise additional funds to support the Academy to enrich what is offered, as well as to nurture a strong, supportive and social community around our growing school.
There are many members of the school community who help make FoHPED endeavours a success - all are welcome, and you can contribute as little or as much time and effort as you want.
Our current committee members are:
Co- Chair: Victoria Edwards
Co-Chair Vacant
Treasurer: Christian Gill
Secretary: Vacant
Communications Team: Rui Ramos, Marie Dixon and Helen Lees
Risk Officer: Sonia Brown
Events and Sponsorship Team: Alaina Creedy, Valerie Arnold, Benjamin Lim
Fairs Team: To be confirmed
2nd Hand Uniform Sale: Vacant
Additional Members: Sarah Swolfs, Katie Manning-Cork, Catherine Mures, Leyla Dumonteil, Lucy Dent-Jones, Zoe Griffin, Andrew Castle and Stuart Spalding
Trustees: Victoria Edwards, Sarah Swolfs, Benjamin Lim and Leyla Dumonteil
Staff: Mrs Stevens-Cox, Ms Connelly, Miss Green and Miss T
To find out more about FoHPED, go to their dedicated website at